Thursday, November 20, 2008

That time again......

Im listening to rock right now and for the life of me i still cant figure out how one can listen to this noise for 5 minutes straight.....we really were not made the same....
Its that time of the year again where theres that bitter sweet feeling...sweet cause im at the end of a semester and a holiday is forthcoming when i can sleep for as long as id like but then again there are exams to read for and sit for, thats the bitter side! In a morning lecture i had today the lecturer was like "You people, why do you fear exams? Huh? Do you know you have done exams all your life! I know even some of you did an exam to go to Baby class! And this is not the last exam your doing! Its just like any other!" Yeah sure it is! So why doesnt he do us a favour and bring us a spelling test!?
I hate exams!! Wish me luck. :-(


S said...

How can you hate on rock? I love rock. Most, if not all of it, is quite deep. Who were you listening to?

I hate exams! Period! I love reading, but for exams, bilaz! Thank God am done with mine. . . All the best in yours.

Ngare said...

@Nzembi It was so bad i can even remember the name, but i like some rock too like Iris-Googoo dolls wonderfull!
Thankx i rili dont like this semesters units, they look like they have the ability to really mess me up!