Tuesday, March 4, 2008

KMUN: Day 3

After a whole day of BORING policy statements, we finally broke up into committees where it gets really intresting cuz thats where most of the resolutions are debated upon....

The first two days werent too bad except for the part you go......WTF is going on!! The rules and procedures need a little getting used to. Otherwise youl spend your time looking for cracks in the wall and picking out the best looking chiks in the room(strike that, thats what i do :-))

Its amazing how petty WHOLE university attending students can be...lemmi give you an example:
*not the actual countries
First Day reading of policy statements according to alphabetical order.
Gabon:{reading their policy statement}
Zambia: {shouting} Point of personal privilege!
Chair: Does your point pertain to audibility?
Chair: Does your point pertain to clarity?
Chair: State your point.
Zambia: There are mosquitoes at the back of the room madam chair, impairing our ability to concentrate.
Chair: Point dully noted. Protocol officer please assist Zambia. Gabon, you may continue.
Gabon: The Republic..........
France: {shouting} Point of personal privilege!
Chair: Does your point pertain to audibility?
Chair: Does your point pertain to clarity?
Chair: State your point.
France: There is too much noise in the chamber and too many people walking around making it hard to follow proceedings.
Chair: Point dully noted. Protocol offices please ensure only protocol officers are walking around. Thank you. Gabon, you may proceed......
Gabon: Thank you Madam chair. We the delegation of Gabon, would like....
Cuba: {shouting} Point of personal privilege!
Chair: Does you point pertain to audibility?
Cuba: Yes.
Chair: Hon. Delegate please speak audibly and clearly into the microphone.

This goes on and on and on, imagine going through this for like 150 countries!

Second day in comitees, i forsee a very intresting day!!


Unknown said...

looooool2 the mchox, i loved it..naenda kutafutia t.v yetu mouse haha..
and ngare sounds like someone i know from back in high school..hehe

candybox said...

Doesn't that make you want to just stand up, walk upto to someone smiling nicely, put your hands round their throat and squeeze the oxygen right out of them?
Hint, hint.....

Ngare said...

@ candybox
Oooooh yes it does, it took alot of will power on my part not to do just that!

@ miring'u
Ngare aint a common name, you sure it wasnt Ngure or something? One in a mil you know :-)

Maua said...

What do you do again? I hate it already.

joyunspeakable2011 said...

me:Point of personal privilege!
you:Does your point pertain to audibility?
you:Does your point pertain to clarity?
you: State your point.
me: I'M LOST.

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