Friday, January 30, 2009

Rapid Response!!

I must say Nairobians and Kenyans in general never cease to amaze me, never mind the brainless politician, the mum president, wreckless drivers and daring thieves but the common mwananchi!
A few weeks ago i was walking down Kenyatta avenue from the ICEA building when i came across a large grouping of hardworking Kenyans staring at the cfc stanbic bank. My alert level was raised when i noticed a few blue boys ready and armed to exchange fire walking around the bank. Obviously there was something wrong and my first instinct was to cross the road and get the hell out of there! Apparently i was the only one thinking that because bright and busy kenyans were looking at the building like it would soon break in dance! I approached one of the onlookers and inquired what was going on, he replied "Nadhania kuna wezi hapo ndani, ebu ngoja tuone"(I think there are robbers in there, lets wait and see). Now again i say i may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but i must say i could find at least one thing wrong with that statement! Why would you want to be near a shoot out!!? Later i read in the newspaper that it was a bomb scare, which in actual fact isnt any better.
Which brings me to the Nakumatt fire. For all of you who dont already know, Nakumatt downtown was raised to the ground!(English!??! Raised to the ground!) In a mysterious fire that gutted the whole building and was still burning 24 hours after the fire started on Wednesday. The fire fighters who are around five minutes away from the building arrived 15 minutes later fully equiped with their 2 out of 5 working fire trucks. "Trucks gives one the illusion thats its those huge fire trucks with ladders and super huge tanks of maji like the one we see in movies but noooooooooo! In Nairobi we have one rickety one im sure from the 1970s and another new land cruiser modified to be a 'fire truck'. Racing down to the rescue! I must say its quite a shame for a huge city like ours would have only two working fire trucks.
And ofcourse as you guessed it, the rescue efforts were hampered by the huge crowd that showed up to view the fire, for them i have no comment considering there were gas cylinders in the building that were exploding every so often.
For the people who died in the inferno, Rest In Peace, for the injured quick recovery and for the bereaved stay strong.


Rafiki said...

Ngare: Too many idlers in the CBD. Actually there are loads of people coming to the CBD every day to do nothing. Should be the CID: Central Idlers District. Remove all of them and serious people like yourself would have some breathing space.

Anonymous said...

"razed to the ground" :)

Thurman said...

Ngare: Too many idlers in the CBD. Actually there are loads of people coming to the CBD every day to do nothing. Should be the CID: Central Idlers District. Remove all of them and serious people like yourself would have some breathing space.